Wednesday, April 14, 2010

come on out to Hooper Road this Sunday

I know there are alot of you here who find occassion to ride some dirt. If you have not been in awhile, come on out to Hooper Road this Sunday. Weather alleged to be great! Trail in great shape! Get out there a grab you a root!

Pre-register on or show up for 8AM.
Online Registration is live:

BREC's Hooper Rd Bike Trails
6261 Guynell Dr
Baton Rouge, LA 70811

First Timers- Men, Women and Children: 1 Lap- $20
Beginners- Men, Beginners- Women: 2 Laps- $25
Sport-Men, Sport-Women: 4 Laps- $25
Expert-Men, Expert-Women: 5 Laps- $25

Check In/Race Day Registration will be at 8 am. Races will begin at 9 am. Volunteers will be needed on the course as well as for timing. Please email Jason Hoggatt at to volunteer and please specify whether you would like to help time or man a spot on the trail.

Discussion also available here:

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