Letter: Cyclist has shocking experiences
Published: Aug 16, 2007
A newbie to cycling, I am shocked at what I am experiencing on the roads.
I’m sure seasoned cyclists have horror stories of near misses and are as frustrated as I.
If everyone would treat a cyclist as if the cyclist were his or her fondest relative or friend, perhaps we’d be safer.
Wake up, Baton Rouge! This is the time of year our population swells with academic and seasonal residents moving back to town.
Progress is all around us: residential and commercial construction, plans for a loop around our city, restricted road access through the LSU campus, a wonderful bicycle path on the levee.
We educate to foster an awareness of protecting the environment; we hear about global warming, and gas is nearly $3 per gallon. We encourage alternative transportation to help alleviate pollution and road congestion and then deny those who choose alternative methods the safety to which they are entitled.
Yes, bicycles and motorcycles are vehicles, too! They have the right to our roadways and should be following the appropriate rules and regulations.
It is extremely difficult to negotiate a turn when you are making the appropriate hand signal for a turn and the car behind you is on your tail or is accelerating in the attempt to pass and get to and through the turn first.
School zones are in effect. Foot and bicycle traffic is on the rise. It’s time for all of us to reacquaint ourselves with —and practice — the rules of the road. Not to mention practicing courtesy and patience.
Let’s face it. Road congestion is a part of life in our area, so plan accordingly, leave a little early or inform someone you will be late. And don’t even consider running the light when it is red.
We are all entitled to get to our destination alive and intact, whether that be on foot, bicycle, motorcycle or in an automobile.
Many thanks to the many considerate drivers who don’t heckle, yell obscenities, throw objects or flip us off.
Thanks to the construction workers who slow down the equipment as we are coming through and the drivers who wait patiently to let us pass, and even wave us through.
To those who are not as respectful, or just plain mean — wake up, keep your road rage in check and share the road.
Marlene Sheely
Baton Rouge